I speak with Kellie and Byron, two Teresa Freeman Associate interns. Both are recent college grads, and we sit down to talk about the challenges they faced this past year graduating during a pandemic, the lesson of being able to pivot when things don’t go how you planned and the importance of networking. Enjoy this episode!
Also, our podcast will soon be available on a new podcasting service called Vurbl found here: https://vurbl.com/station/1V9AyrC0tW0/
Please enjoy this unique conversation and experience. Brandon is honest, vulnerable, and brave as he talks about his journey. He opens up about being...
REAL-ATABLE On the Go episode includes highlights from our interview with Jessica Auville. Want to see it in video form? Check out our TFA...
Today I speak with friend and fellow female entrepreneur Emily Vickers. She is the president and founder of iConsult, a cyber, big data, transformation,...